Nationally there are about a little more than 400,000 youth in the foster system and most research
estimate 20% of the youth identify as LGBTQ (The numbers could be higher for fear by youth of more
rejection). Currently CDC reports that approximately 4% of the US population is LGBTQ therefore as
comparison there is an outrages amount of our LGBTQ in the system and could be more when adding
homeless youth.

Per Human Rights Campaign a survey of LGBTQ youth in out-of- home care in New York City found:
78 percent of LGBTQ youth were removed or ran away from their foster placements as a result of hostility toward their sexual orientation or gender identity.
100 percent of LGBTQ youth in group homes reported verbal harassment.
70 percent of LGBTQ youth reported physical violence in group homes.
Nationally there are about a little more than 400,000 youth in the foster system and most research
estimate 20% of the youth identify as LGBTQ (The numbers could be higher for fear by youth of more
rejection). Currently CDC reports that approximately 4% of the US population is LGBTQ therefore as
comparison there is an outrages amount of our LGBTQ in the system and could be more when adding homeless youth.
Research completed by Minnesota Department of Human Resources “According to recent research
published in the journal Pediatrics, 7 LGBTQ youth who experienced high rates of rejection from their
families based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, when compared with peers from families
that reported no or low levels of family rejection, were:”
8.4 times more likely to report having attempted suicide
5.9 times more likely to report high levels of depression
3.4 times more likely to use illegal drugs
3.4 times more likely to report having engaged in unprotected
sexual intercourse.

Georgia does not have any state wide research in reference to LBGTQ youth out or within care.
Georgia does not have a residential treatment group home or therapeutic facilities that has 100% of it
client that identify as LGBTQ. Georgia does have several organization that focus on helping homeless
youth with emergency temporary housing and STD education.

LGBTQ Affirming Counseling Services
LGBTQ Therapist
LGBTQ African American Therapist